Grant Generals Youth Wrestling Club

A fun, positive environment that builds life and wrestling skills.

K-5th Youth Wrestling

Nov 14th, 2023 to Jan 25th, 2024. Practice Tue/Thur 6-7:30pm.

Grant HS Wrestling Room

Open to youth, grades K-5th

HS/MS registration will be open through PPS shortly.

$200 per youth wrestler

Register for K-5

You will be redirected to WrestlingIQ to register.

6th-8th Grade

Nov 13th, 2023 to Feb 16th, 2024. Practices M/W/F 6-7:30pm

Grant HS Wrestling Room

Open to 6th-8th graders within the Grant catchment.

$200 per MS wrestler ($60 if free/reduced lunch student)

Register for 6th-8th

You will be redirected to PIL Athletics to register.

Grant HS wrestling team
Grant MS at City Championships 2024
Youth Team Pizza Party

Club details

Equipment & Gear

Your wrestler should wear athletic shorts without zippers, shirts with no buttons or collars, and socks. When purchasing wrestling shoes, do not leave room to grow, get a shoe that fits now. Some popular shoes are:

Practice at Grant HS

Practice is held at the Grant High School Wrestling Room, 2245 NE 36th Ave, Portland, OR.

Who is wrestling for?

Open to all

All are welcome at Grant Generals Wrestling Club. We strive to provide a safe, inclusive environment where every person, regardless of skill level, gender, race, ethnic background, religious beliefs, sexual preferences or physical abilities will be accepted and appreciated. Wrestling is fun, but it is also a difficult sport; any person willing to come to practice and do the work will earn, and be shown, the proper respect. We are excited to welcome all to our community.

Is wrestling worth it?

Why should your kid try wrestling?

There are a lot of activities your kid could be doing, so why would you bother with wrestling? Here's a few reasons we think your child can benefit from wrestling:

  • Fun
  • Exercise
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-defense
  • Humility
  • Respect
  • Self-discipline


Meet our coaches

  • Warren McPherson

    Grant HS Head Coach

    When Warren was 7 years old his dad took him to the mat club at the local high school and his wrestling career started. He made it through that first practice, and the practice after that, and then through thousands more after that, and now....he gets to run the practices.

  • Aaron Long

    Head Women's Coach

    Aaron Long was the head coach at Skagway High School (Alaska) and Corbett High School for a combined 15 years. Before that, he wrestled for 15 years in Galion, Ohio and at The University of Findlay where he was the school's first Academic All American in wrestling.

    During his time at Corbett, he coached one state champion, one runner-up and a multitude of placers in three different divisions (1A/2A, 3A, and 4A). In 2009, he was named the Portland wrestling officials (POWA) Coach of the Year.

  • Darin Farrell

    Assistant Coach

    This was Darin in his first year of wrestling. He got the crap kicked out of him every day that season. He swore it would never happen again, and that was the start of the journey.

  • Derek Nagy

    Youth Coach

    Derek started wrestling in 3rd grade and continued through his senior year in college. However, the friendships that were created through this sport have lasted a lifetime. It’s those connections and relationships that he hopes your children will experience inside and outside of the wrestling room. Derek aims to create a balance between emphasizing the hard work and discipline that’s required to develop in wrestling with a fun and engaging environment that the kids look forward to coming to.

  • Jake Hudson

    MS Coach

    Once he recognized that his 5’9” frame would not carry him to basketball glory, Jake decided to join a few friends on the wrestling team. After discovering a love for the world’s oldest and greatest sport, Jake spent hours in the mat room working with the youth and high school teams alike. Jake’s goals as coach are to help instill the many values that wrestling can provide to the team, to help grow the self-confidence of every young man and woman in the room, and help everyone improve a little bit every day.